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Rachel has become licensed in Occupational Therapy, Certified in Classical Pilates, Personal Training, Leadership & Mindset Coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming, The Eastern therapy of Cupping, Biofeedback and Functional Nutrition Counseling.

She has passionately created a Functional Nutrition Program based on her education, research  and experiences for the purpose of eliminating triggers causing inflammation, repairing the gut, resetting the metabolism, restoring balance in hormones and supporting the  unique needs and challenges of the individual, including deep rooted patterns that cause hamster wheel like damaging habits. 

Her program is called We have F. U. N. Which stands for Functional Unique Nutrition. It’s a self guided hybrid virtual course that starts with a personal 90 min intake session with Rachel over Zoom with added weekly support viz zoom group calls.

Rachel had a passion for nutrition from youth. Her mom used homeopathy & kinesiology in her household growing up, shopped at a family friend owned health food store weekly and took her to a chiropractor regularly for adjustment.   Her Dad loved to grow and maintain a garden of seasonal fruits and vegetables yearly which Rachel and her siblings would help to maintain and harvest.

About Rachel

As she grew older, she started to suffer from bothersome digestive issues which in her 20’s landed her in the ER with excruciating pain.  They sent her off her way after an examination and several tests, and told her that her diagnosis was irritable bowel disorder.  When asked how to treat , the Drs answer was to stay away from spicy foods.

As you can imagine , this treatment plan was ineffective and well just ignorant. She lived her life popping digestive enzymes and activated charcoal on the daily.  When she didn’t there would be severe consequences such as these episodes that landed her in the ER the first time it happened.

In her 20’s  she became bulimic for over 3 years because she was afraid of what the food she ate would do to her digestive system when she ate out with friends or forgot to bring her trusted sidekicks, charcoal and enzymes.  

It wasn't until she moved to NYC where she was referred to Dr. Hoffman who had a popular radio show on nutrition. He was a pioneer in using IV drips for better bioavailability in micronutrients to those who had challenges absorbing them because of leaky gut or some other malady.

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The fad back then was Fat Free so food manufacturers were pumping out all sorts of packages foods with lots of chemicals & sugar to replace fat. Then and now, sugar free has become popular with the Keto diet on the stage.  The masses were (and still) being duped into thinking that packaged foods were “healthy” because of the words to describe these fake foods.

Dr. Hoffman was able to pin point what her problem was with some unpopular blood testing and came to the conclusion that she was on her way to express the gene Celiac disease if her regular diet didn’t turn around. He told her to stay on a diet of Whole Foods, rich in fresh fruits  and vegetables, stay away from any food that would not go bad in two weeks and eat lean healthy meats without preservatives. He also told her to avoid wheat like the plague ( gluten wasn’t even a word anyone knew or heard).  Long story short, Rachel’s bulimia stopped that day. For years she was embarrassed to tell this story fearing judgement and disgust, and now she’s happy to share with those who will listen because she is passionate about helping others on their own health journeys to be able to thrive and live their best life without taking unnecessary toxic pharmaceuticals or invasive surgeries.

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I look forward to speaking with you and getting to know what you need.  Tell me all the details of your story and get ready for some F.U.N.

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